Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dec 13-17

Ratios, rates, and proportions.....still working with fractions, aren't we!!  The added bonus is being able to use your calculators to calculate the unit rates and figure the missing part in a proportion.

The easiest thing to remember when solving proportions: 
     Find the pair and multiply, divide by the lonely guy!

Write the ratios out in words first - that helps get numbers in the correct position and shows you how the label will be written.

Always make sure you label your answers!

Here are the plans for this week:

Monday - proportions in story problems - Lesson 6-6B
     regular math - pgs. 313-315:  1-4, 13-20, 33-36, 49, 50
     advanced math - pgs. 313-315:  13-20, 33-36, 41-43, 46, 49, 50

Tuesday - review

Wednesday - TEST on ratios, rates, and proportions

Thursday - 6-8A - Scale Drawings - worksheet

Friday - 6-8B - Scale Factor - worksheet

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 6-10

I don't know about you, but I am feeling overwhelmed with all the busy-ness of the month of December.  Between all the schedule changes, appointments, shopping, and church activities I catch myself going, going, going!!

Math is still the topic at school for us though!!  We are finishing chapter 5 and heading into chapter 6 - should be short and sweet.  We should be able to finish chapter 6 before Christmas break - which means one more test this nine weeks/semester.

Don't forget the change in schedules Monday - Wednesday for the various chorus practices.  I will also be gone on Wednesday for another technology meeting.  Miss Brock and the substitute will have you covered!!

Here are the plans for this week:
     Monday - TEST and practice with decimals
     Tuesday - lesson 6-1  Regular Math:  pgs. 284-286:  #7-23, 37, 38
                                        Advanced Math :  pgs. 284-286:  #7-23, 29, 30, 37, 38
     Wednesday - Review for Common Assessment #2
     Thursday - lesson 6-2  Regular Math:  pgs. 289-292:  #1-18, 45, 46
                                          Advanced Math:  pgs. 289-292:  #7-24, 29, 38, 45, 46
     Friday - lesson 6-6A  Regular Math:  pg. 313:  #5-10, 21-32
                                        Advanced Math:  pg. 313:  #5-10, 21-32