Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dec 13-17

Ratios, rates, and proportions.....still working with fractions, aren't we!!  The added bonus is being able to use your calculators to calculate the unit rates and figure the missing part in a proportion.

The easiest thing to remember when solving proportions: 
     Find the pair and multiply, divide by the lonely guy!

Write the ratios out in words first - that helps get numbers in the correct position and shows you how the label will be written.

Always make sure you label your answers!

Here are the plans for this week:

Monday - proportions in story problems - Lesson 6-6B
     regular math - pgs. 313-315:  1-4, 13-20, 33-36, 49, 50
     advanced math - pgs. 313-315:  13-20, 33-36, 41-43, 46, 49, 50

Tuesday - review

Wednesday - TEST on ratios, rates, and proportions

Thursday - 6-8A - Scale Drawings - worksheet

Friday - 6-8B - Scale Factor - worksheet

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 6-10

I don't know about you, but I am feeling overwhelmed with all the busy-ness of the month of December.  Between all the schedule changes, appointments, shopping, and church activities I catch myself going, going, going!!

Math is still the topic at school for us though!!  We are finishing chapter 5 and heading into chapter 6 - should be short and sweet.  We should be able to finish chapter 6 before Christmas break - which means one more test this nine weeks/semester.

Don't forget the change in schedules Monday - Wednesday for the various chorus practices.  I will also be gone on Wednesday for another technology meeting.  Miss Brock and the substitute will have you covered!!

Here are the plans for this week:
     Monday - TEST and practice with decimals
     Tuesday - lesson 6-1  Regular Math:  pgs. 284-286:  #7-23, 37, 38
                                        Advanced Math :  pgs. 284-286:  #7-23, 29, 30, 37, 38
     Wednesday - Review for Common Assessment #2
     Thursday - lesson 6-2  Regular Math:  pgs. 289-292:  #1-18, 45, 46
                                          Advanced Math:  pgs. 289-292:  #7-24, 29, 38, 45, 46
     Friday - lesson 6-6A  Regular Math:  pg. 313:  #5-10, 21-32
                                        Advanced Math:  pg. 313:  #5-10, 21-32

Monday, November 29, 2010

Multiplication and Division Videos

I have created a couple more videos to help you if you are struggling on multiplying and/or dividing fractions.  Feel free to watch these as many times as you want but please ask me questions if you don't understand.


November 29 - December 3

To be perfectly honest, I was not ready to go back to school after Thanksgiving break.  It sure was difficult to get up and go this morning but just like you, I got to work.  It is hard to believe that we are moving into the month of December this week - Christmas break is just around the corner!  Make sure you put school supplies (pencils, paper, etc.) on your Christmas list since some of you are continually asking to borrow from me or your friends.

We are going to get started on multiplication and division of fractions this week.  We'll spend two days on each, then review, and test (probably next Tuesday).  Just as a reminder, there are going to be a lot of schedule changes and interruptions during the next couple of weeks for special assemblies and chorus practice.

I have made a couple of videos to help you that are struggling with multiplication and division.  I hope these help and as always, please ask for help if you are not understanding.  Look for the videos on another post.

Monday - worksheet - side #1
Tuesday - worksheet - side #2
                 page 255:  #20 - 23 (regular math)
                 page 255:  #33, 40, 49, 57 ( advanced math)
Wednesday - worksheet - side #1
Thursday - worksheet - side #2
                page 268:  #19, 20, 29, 30, 52, 53 (regular math)
                page 268:  #29, 30, 42, 43, 52, 53 (advanced math)
Friday - review and practice story problems

Friday, November 19, 2010

November 22 - 26

I don't know about you guys but I am ready for Thanksgiving!  All the turkey, fluffy cranberry salad, and pumpkin pie.  I am really looking forward to seeing my nieces who are away at college - they want to get together for a "game day" over the holiday which is a lot of fun.  The husband and boyfriends will probably go hunting.

School work for Monday and Tuesday should not be too difficult - only two days and NO HOMEWORK!!!

Monday will be a test on adding and subtracting fractions.  Make sure you have practiced and are ready for the test.  You got the review on Friday - make sure it is done.  Some of you really need to work on your basic facts - adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.  Improving those skills sure helps with the concepts in 7th grade.  Don't forget you can practice in IXL.

Tuesday - I am not sure yet what we will do Tuesday.  Do you have any suggestions?  If so, please let me know.  I really will consider any suggestions that you give me.  I would like to do something fun and math related on Tuesday.  Let me know!!

Miss Brock will be joining us on Monday, November 29 rather than last week when originally planned.  Make sure to welcome her to PHMS.

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fractions, Ugh!! Help is on the way!!

Here are some examples of adding and subtracting fractions.  I have included the diagrams for both addition and subtraction.  Practice - test on Monday!

Friday, November 12, 2010

November 15 - 19

This is going to be a busy week so hold on tight!!  We will be having some guests in the classroom during the week.  Aubri Brock, a student at Sterling College, will begin a short teaching practicum in our classroom.  She will appear on Monday and will hopefully start doing some teaching by the end of the week.  Miss Brock will be with us through the 10th of December.  Let's make sure we welcome her and show how great PHMS 7th graders are as she begins her work with us.

We will have a visitor on Tuesday also!  Mrs. Rowland will be stopping by to see how we are using the technology granted to us here at PHMS.  Please make her feel welcome.

Beginning next week is your favorite math topic - FRACTIONS!!!  Here are the plans for the week:

Monday - Improper and Mixed Fractions - worksheet

Tuesday - Adding and Subtracting Simple Fractions (lesson 5-2)
     Regular Math - pgs. 239-241:  #11-26, 31-35
     Advanced Math - pgs. 239 - 241:  #11-26, 31-35, 41-44

Wednesday - Adding Mixed Fractions - worksheet

Thursday - Subtracting Mixed Fractions - worksheet

Friday - Story Problems with Fractions (application) and review for test!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nov. 8 - 12

This is going to be a crazy week!!  Hold on tight!!

Monday - get back quiz and test
     Advanced math - create posters for PHMS Canned Food Drive
     Regular math - review
Tuesday - no school, how sad :(

Wednesday - Common Assessment #1

Thursday - Regular math - retake fraction/decimal/percent quiz if required
     Advanced math - computers (possibly!)

Friday - Regular math - retake Chapter 4 Test if required
     Advanced math - computers

Monday, November 1, 2010

This Week: November 1 - 5

Monday - Notebook/Homework Quiz
                 Lesson 4-8
                Regular Math:  pgs. 213-214:  #8-21
                Advanced Math:  pgs. 213-214:  #8-23

Tuesday - Lesson 4-9
                Regular Math:  pgs. 218-220:  #8-17, 26, 27, 30, 31, 40-42, 48-50
               Advanced Math:  pgs. 218-220:  #8-19, 26, 27, 30, 31, 40-42, 48-50

Wednesday - Fractions-Decimals-Percents Quiz
                Chapter 4 Review

Thursday - Chapter 4 Review

Friday - Chapter 4 TEST

Friday, October 29, 2010

Have a fun and safe weekend

I want to remind all of my students that they have an assignment due on Monday from lesson 4-7.  Make sure you get it done even though you might have a Spook-Tacular weekend.

Please practice the fractions-decimals-percents so you can pass your quiz next Wednesday.  You received a yellow sheet from me listing all the basic fractions you need to know from memory.

Make sure your notebook is organized and all assignments from chapter 4 are completed.  You will have a notebook quiz on Monday.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend.  Keep the spooks away!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Welcome to Horton Gives A Hoot

I would like to welcome you to my Horton Gives a Hoot blog!!  This is an exciting new challenge for me so please be patient.  I hope this site gives you the information you are needing to get your homework assignments, math helps, IXL practice of math concepts, and other cool math stuff.  I encourage students and parents to check the blog to see what I have added.  Just remember, be patient with me while I get started on this new adventure.